Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Im'a Fourteen YearOld:)

Ah! Finally:) Im 14! Ive Been Waiting For This Day ALL Year Long! Im Having A Party Today,A Party Tommorow At The Thanksgiving Party Im Having At My Other Family's House And On The 27th Im Going To SixFlags! With Smantha And Valinda:P<3
Im So Freakin Excited Yet I Dont Feel Any Older! Welp! I'll Update You On Presents Later On Tonight Or Maybe I'll Just Do It TOmmorow!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ahh! I Love The Bad Girls Club so much! Who saw the reunion pt.1 and pt.2? ME!! It was insane everyone was beating on Kriten! Lea,Kaylee,Erika all jumped on her. Kaylee popped right on the side of her head, ripped out her extensions, and punched her right in the face! WOOOO! Go Kaylee! And then Erika tears her up! And Then Lea i think either kicks her or something. Everyone was ganging up on her and she didnt know how to react to it other than saying "Act like a ladie!!" or "You girls are acting like wild animals!" Give me a break you shouldnt have been so fake my dear! I ant wait until a new season comes out hope you guys enjoyed it just as much as i did love ya-N

Thats my bestfriend Ashley ELizabeth Mckinstry:) Yep, so Me & Samantha decided being bestfriends wasnt what we needed:) But were still great friends. Well me and Ashley decided to be bestfriends this Summer when I started going to her house almost everyday.! And it worked out because we are doing great! But unfortunatley she has moved to Keller because her "nana" got a really big house there. Her grandmother just died and she didnt want too be here anymore so she went to indiana for 2 months to get away from everything for a while. Shes coming back today and im supposed to be picking her up at the airport ina little and then spending the night at her house:) I've missed her so much! Her not being at school is insane! But I talk to her every day as a matter of fact im on the phone with her right now!(: And then shes coming to my three birthday parties. My birthdays on the 24th(: 14 years of age ill be. weellllppp i got to go sorry i havent blogged ina while but ill start up again love you guys -N